========= Changelog ========= This page contains a summary of changes between the official FitPy releases. Only the biggest changes are listed here. A complete and detailed log of all changes is available through the `GitHub Repository Browser `_. Version 0.1.1 ============= Released 2024-01-15 Fixes ----- * Changes in :class:`fitpy.plotting.SinglePlotter1D` to make it work with ASpecD >= 0.9.0. **Important note:** This version of FitPy requires **ASpecD >= 0.9.1** to work. Changes ------- * Use Black for automatic code formatting Version 0.1.0 ============= Released 2022-01-30 * First public release * General implementation of the interfaces * Dedicated plotters plotting of both, data and fitted model * Reporting capabilities * Settings for the fit algorithm * Semi-stochastic sampling of starting conditions (Latin hypercube sampling, LHS) Version 0.1.0.dev1 ================== Released 2019-09-26 * First public pre-release on PyPI