======== Overview ======== Here, we present a (growing) series of working examples of how to use the FitPy framework to perform advanced fitting of models to (experimental) data. For each of the examples, a full recipe is provided ready to be copied and pasted and run on your local computer. Creating data ============= To be independent of actual experimental data, for the time being each of the recipe examples provided here comes with a section at its beginning creating some data that get fitted afterwards. Of course, in real-life applications, rather than first creating the data from a model, adding noise to it, and afterwards fitting (the same) model to the newly created data, you will load your own, experimental data. Prerequisites ============= To be able to run the example recipes locally, you need to have a working installation of the FitPy package and its dependencies. Have a look at the :doc:`installation instructions <../installing>` for details. Furthermore, to be able to run ("cook") the recipes and get ("serve") the results, you need to have access to a command line, as running recipes (still) is command-line based using the command :samp:`serve {recipe.yaml}`. For some recipes, you will need to have a working LaTeX installation in case you would like to get your reports not only created, but compiled into a well-formatted PDF document as well.