Source code for fitpy.analysis

Actual fitting in form of analysis steps derived from the ASpecD framework.

.. sidebar:: Contents

    .. contents::
        :depth: 1

Fitting of a model to (experimental) data can always be seen as an analysis
step in context of the ASpecD framework, resulting in a calculated dataset.


Fitting in context of the FitPy framework is always a two-step process:

#. define the model, and

#. define the fitting task.

The model is an instance of :class:`aspecd.model.Model`, and the fitting
task one of the analysis steps contained in this module. They are, in turn,
instances of :class:`aspecd.analysis.AnalysisStep`.

A first, simple but complete example of a recipe performing a fit on
experimental data, is given below.

.. code-block:: yaml

      type: ASpecD recipe
      version: '0.2'

      - /path/to/dataset

      - kind: model
        type: Gaussian
            position: 1.5
            width: 0.5
        from_dataset: /path/to/dataset
        output: model
        result: gaussian_model

      - kind: fitpy.singleanalysis
        type: SimpleFit
          model: gaussian_model
                start: 5
                range: [3, 7]
        result: fitted_gaussian

In this case, a Gaussian model is created, with values for two parameters
set explicitly and not varied during the fit. The third parameter is varied
during the fit, within a given range. Furthermore, using
:class:`SimpleFit` here without further parameters, a least-squares fit
using the Levenberg-Marquardt method is carried out.

.. note::

    Usually, you will have set another ASpecD-derived package as
    default package in your recipe for processing and analysing your data.
    Hence, you need to provide the package name (fitpy) in the ``kind``
    property, as shown in the examples.

This seamless integration of FitPy into all packages derived from the ASpecD
framework ensures full reproducibility and allows to easily pre- and
postprocess the data accordingly. Particularly for analysing the results of
fits, have a look at the dedicated plotters in the :mod:`fitpy.plotting`
module and the reporters in the :mod:`` module.

Fitting strategies

Fitting models to data is generally a complex endeavour, and FitPy will
*not* take any decisions for you. However, it provides powerful abstractions
and a simple user interface, letting you automate as much as possible,
while retaining full reproducibility. Thus, it is possible to create entire
pipelines spanning a series of different fitting strategies, analyse the
results, and making an informed decision for each individual question.

The following list provides an overview of the different fitting strategies
supported by FitPy (currently, as of January 2022, only a subset of these
strategies is implemented).

* Simple fitting of single datasets

  Make informed guesses for the initial values of the variable parameters of
  a model and fit the model to the data. The most straight-forward strategy.
  Still, different optimisation algorithms can be chosen.

  If the fitness landscape is rough and contains local minima, the fit may
  not converge or get stuck in local minima.

* Robust fitting via sampling of initial conditions (LHS)

  Instead of informed guesses for the initial values of the variable
  parameters of a model, these initial values are randomly chosen using a
  Latin Hypercube. For each of the resulting grid points, an optimisation is
  performed, analogous to what has been described above.

  Generally, this approach will take much longer, with the computing time
  scaling with the number of grid points, but it is much more robust,
  particularly with complicated fitness landscapes containing many local

* Fitting multiple species to one dataset

  Basically the same as fitting a simple model to the data of a dataset,
  but this time providing a :class:`aspecd.model.CompositeModel`.

  Given the usually larger number of variable parameters, robust
  fitting strategies (LHS) should be used.

* Global fitting of several datasets at once

  Fit models with a joint set of parameters to a series of independent
  datasets. Can become arbitrarily complex given that some parameters may be
  allowed to independently vary for each dataset, while others are
  constrained, while still others (typically the majority) will be identical
  for each dataset.

Common to all these different fitting strategies is the need to sometimes omit
parts of a dataset from fitting.

Concrete fitting tasks implemented

Currently (as of January 2022), only fitting tasks are implemented that
operate on single datasets.

* :class:`SimpleFit`

  Perform basic fit of a model to data of a dataset.

  The result is stored as calculated dataset and can be investigated
  graphically using dedicated plotters from the :mod:`fitpy.plotting`
  module as well as reporters from the :mod:`` module.

  With default settings, a least-Squares minimization using the
  Levenberg-Marquardt method is carried out. Initial values and ranges for
  each variable parameter of the model can be specified, as well as
  details for the algorithm.

* :class:`LHSFit`

  Fit of a model to data of a dataset using LHS of starting conditions.

  In case of more complicated fits, *e.g.* many variable parameters or a
  rough fitness landscape of the optimisation including several local
  minima, obtaining a robust fit and finding the global minimum requires
  to sample initial conditions and to perform fits for all these conditions.

  Here, a Latin Hypercube gets used to sample the initial conditions. For
  each of these, a fit is performed in the same way as in
  :class:`SimpleFit`. The best fit is stored in the result as usual,
  and additionally, the sample grid, the discrepancy as measure for the
  quality of the grid, as well as all results from the individual fits are
  stored in the ``lhs`` property of the metadata of the resulting dataset.
  This allows for both, handling this resulting dataset as usual and
  evaluating the robustness of the fit.

Helper classes

Additionally to the fitting tasks described above, helper classes exist for
specific tasks.

* :class:`ExtractLHSStatistics`

  Extract statistical criterion from LHS results for evaluating robustness.

  When performing a robust fitting, *e.g.* by employing :class:`LHSFit`,
  evaluating the robustness of the obtained results is a crucial step.
  Therefore, the results from each individual fit starting with a grid
  point of the Latin Hypercube are contained in the resulting dataset.
  This analysis step extracts the given criterion from the calculated
  dataset and returns itself a calculated dataset with the values of the
  criterion sorted in ascending order as its data. The result can be
  graphically represented using a :class:`aspecd.plotting.SinglePlotter1D`.

Module documentation


import aspecd.analysis
import lmfit
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import qmc

[docs] class SimpleFit(aspecd.analysis.SingleAnalysisStep): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """ Perform basic fit of a model to data of a dataset. The result is stored as calculated dataset and can be investigated graphically using dedicated plotters from the :mod:`fitpy.plotting` module as well as reporters from the :mod:`` module. With default settings, a least-Squares minimization using the Levenberg-Marquardt method is carried out. Initial values and ranges for each variable parameter of the model can be specified, as well as details for the algorithm. Attributes ---------- result : :class:`fitpy.dataset.CalculatedDataset` Calculated dataset containing the result of the fit. model : :class:`aspecd.model.Model` Model to fit to the data of a dataset parameters : :class:`dict` All parameters necessary to perform the fit. These parameters will be available from the calculation metadata of the resulting :class:`fitpy.dataset.CalculatedDataset`. fit : :class:`dict` All model parameters that should be fitted. The keys of the dictionary need to correspond to the parameter names of the model that should be fitted. The values are dicts themselves, at least with the key ``start`` for the initial parameter value. Additionally, you may supply a ``range`` with a list as value defining the interval within the the parameter is allowed to vary during fitting. algorithm : :class:`dict` Settings of the algorithm used to fit the model to the data. The key ``method`` needs to correspond to the methods supported by :class:`lmfit.minimizer.Minimizer`. To provide more information independent on the naming of the respective methods in :mod:`lmfit.minimizer` and the corresponding :mod:`scipy.optimize` module, the key ``description`` contains a short description of the respective method. To pass additional parameters to the solver, use the ``parameters`` dict. Which parameters can be set depends on the actual solver. For details, see the :mod:`scipy.optimize` documentation. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if the method provided in ``parameters['algorithm'][ 'method']`` is not supported or invalid. Examples -------- For convenience, a series of examples in recipe style (for details of the recipe-driven data analysis, see :mod:`aspecd.tasks`) is given below for how to make use of this class. The examples focus each on a single aspect. Fitting is always a two-step process: (i) define the model, and (ii) define the fitting task. Here and in the following examples we assume a dataset to be imported as ``dataset``, and the model is initially evaluated for this dataset (to get the same data dimensions and alike, see :mod:`aspecd.model` for details). .. note:: Usually, you will have set another ASpecD-derived package as default package in your recipe for processing and analysing your data. Hence, you need to provide the package name (fitpy) in the ``kind`` property, as shown in the examples. Suppose you have a dataset and want to fit a Gaussian to its data, in this case only varying the amplitude, but keeping position and width fixed to the values specified in the model: .. code-block:: yaml - kind: model type: Gaussian properties: parameters: position: 1.5 width: 0.5 from_dataset: dataset output: model result: gaussian_model - kind: fitpy.singleanalysis type: SimpleFit properties: model: gaussian_model parameters: fit: amplitude: start: 5 result: fitted_gaussian In this particular case, you define your model specifying position and width, and fit this to the data allowing only the parameter amplitude to vary, keeping position and width fixed at the given values. Furthermore, no range is provided for the values the amplitude can be varied. To provide a range (boundaries, interval) for the allowed values of a fit parameter, simply add the key ``range``: .. code-block:: yaml - kind: model type: Gaussian properties: parameters: position: 1.5 width: 0.5 from_dataset: dataset output: model result: gaussian_model - kind: fitpy.singleanalysis type: SimpleFit properties: model: gaussian_model parameters: fit: amplitude: start: 5 range: [3, 7] result: fitted_gaussian Note that models usually will have standard values for all parameters. Therefore, you only need to define those parameters in the model task that shall *not* change during fitting and should have values different from the standard. If you were to fit multiple parameters of a model (as is usually the case), provide all these parameters in the fit section of the parameters of the fitting task: .. code-block:: yaml - kind: model type: Gaussian properties: parameters: width: 0.5 from_dataset: dataset output: model result: gaussian_model - kind: fitpy.singleanalysis type: SimpleFit properties: model: gaussian_model parameters: fit: amplitude: start: 5 range: [3, 7] position: start: 2 range: [0, 4] result: fitted_gaussian While the default algorithm settings are quite sensible as a starting point, you can explicitly set the method and its parameters. Which parameters can be set depends on the method chosen, for details refer to the documentation of the underlying :mod:`scipy.optimize` module. The following example shows how to change the algorithm to ``least_squares`` (using a Trust Region Reflective method) and to set the tolerance for termination by the change of the independent variables (``xtol`` parameter): .. code-block:: yaml - kind: model type: Gaussian properties: parameters: position: 1.5 width: 0.5 from_dataset: dataset output: model result: gaussian_model - kind: fitpy.singleanalysis type: SimpleFit properties: model: gaussian_model parameters: fit: amplitude: start: 5 algorithm: method: least_squares parameters: xtol: 1e-6 result: fitted_gaussian """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.description = "Fit model to data of dataset" self.model = None self.parameters["fit"] = {} self.parameters["algorithm"] = { "method": "leastsq", "description": "", "parameters": {}, } self.dataset_type = "fitpy.dataset.CalculatedDataset" self._fit_parameters = lmfit.Parameters() self._fit_result = None self._method_descriptions = { "leastsq": "Least-Squares minimization, using " "Levenberg-Marquardt method", "least_squares": "Least-Squares minimization, using Trust Region " "Reflective method", } def _sanitise_parameters(self): if ( self.parameters["algorithm"]["method"] not in self._method_descriptions ): message = 'Unknown method "{}"'.format( # noqa self.parameters["algorithm"]["method"] ) raise ValueError(message) def _perform_task(self): self.result = self.create_dataset() self.model.from_dataset(self.dataset) self.parameters["algorithm"]["description"] = ( self._method_descriptions[self.parameters["algorithm"]["method"]] ) self._prepare_fit_parameters() minimiser = lmfit.minimizer.Minimizer( self._calculate_residual, self._fit_parameters ) self._fit_result = minimiser.minimize( method=self.parameters["algorithm"]["method"], params=self._fit_parameters, **self.parameters["algorithm"]["parameters"] ) self._assign_fitted_model_to_result() def _prepare_fit_parameters(self): for key, value in self.model.parameters.items(): parameter = lmfit.Parameter(name=key) if key in self.parameters["fit"]: parameter.set(value=self.parameters["fit"][key]["start"]) parameter.set(vary=True) if "range" in self.parameters["fit"][key]: parameter.set(min=self.parameters["fit"][key]["range"][0]) parameter.set(max=self.parameters["fit"][key]["range"][1]) else: parameter.set(value=value) parameter.set(vary=False) self._fit_parameters.add(parameter) def _calculate_residual(self, parameters): self.model.parameters = parameters.valuesdict() residuals = - self.model.evaluate() return residuals def _assign_fitted_model_to_result(self): self.model.parameters = self._fit_result.params.valuesdict() # noqa model_dataset = self.model.create() = = self._fit_result.residual self.result.metadata.model.from_model(self.model) self.result.metadata.result.from_lmfit_minimizer_result( self._fit_result )
[docs] class LHSFit(aspecd.analysis.SingleAnalysisStep): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """ Fit of a model to data of a dataset using LHS of starting conditions. In case of more complicated fits, *e.g.* many variable parameters or a rough fitness landscape of the optimisation including several local minima, obtaining a robust fit and finding the global minimum requires to sample initial conditions and to perform fits for all these conditions. Here, a Latin Hypercube gets used to sample the initial conditions. For each of these, a fit is performed in the same way as in :class:`SimpleFit`. The best fit is stored in the result as usual, and additionally, the sample grid, the discrepancy as measure for the quality of the grid, as well as all results from the individual fits are stored in the ``lhs`` property of the metadata of the resulting dataset. This allows for both, handling this resulting dataset as usual and evaluating the robustness of the fit. Attributes ---------- result : :class:`fitpy.dataset.CalculatedDatasetLHS` Calculated dataset containing the result of the fit. model : :class:`aspecd.model.Model` Model to fit to the data of a dataset parameters : :class:`dict` All parameters necessary to perform the fit. These parameters will be available from the calculation metadata of the resulting :class:`fitpy.dataset.CalculatedDatasetLHS`. fit : :class:`dict` All model parameters that should be fitted. The keys of the dictionary need to correspond to the parameter names of the model that should be fitted. The values are dicts themselves, at least with the key ``start`` for the initial parameter value. Additionally, you may supply a ``range`` with a list as value defining the interval within the the parameter is allowed to vary during fitting. algorithm : :class:`dict` Settings of the algorithm used to fit the model to the data. The key ``method`` needs to correspond to the methods supported by :class:`lmfit.minimizer.Minimizer`. To provide more information independent on the naming of the respective methods in :mod:`lmfit.minimizer` and the corresponding :mod:`scipy.optimize` module, the key ``description`` contains a short description of the respective method. To pass additional parameters to the solver, use the ``parameters`` dict. Which parameters can be set depends on the actual solver. For details, see the :mod:`scipy.optimize` documentation. lhs : :class:`dict` Settings for the Latin Hypercube used to sample initial conditions. The most important parameter is ``points``, defining the points in each direction of the Latin Hypercube. Additionally, all attributes of :class:`scipy.stats.qmc.LatinHypercube` can be set. Currently, the relevant parameters are ``centered`` (to center the point within the multi-dimensional grid) and ``rng_seed`` to allow for reproducible results. In case ``rng_seed`` is provided, the random number generator is reset and seeded with this value, ensuring reproducible creation of the grid. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if the method provided in ``parameters['algorithm'][ 'method']`` is not supported or invalid. Examples -------- For convenience, a series of examples in recipe style (for details of the recipe-driven data analysis, see :mod:`aspecd.tasks`) is given below for how to make use of this class. The examples focus each on a single aspect. Fitting is always a two-step process: (i) define the model, and (ii) define the fitting task. Here and in the following examples we assume a dataset to be imported as ``dataset``, and the model is initially evaluated for this dataset (to get the same data dimensions and alike, see :mod:`aspecd.model` for details). .. note:: Usually, you will have set another ASpecD-derived package as default package in your recipe for processing and analysing your data. Hence, you need to provide the package name (fitpy) in the ``kind`` property, as shown in the examples. Suppose you have a dataset and want to fit a Gaussian to its data, in this case only varying the amplitude, but keeping position and width fixed to the values specified in the model: .. code-block:: yaml - kind: model type: Gaussian properties: parameters: position: 1.5 width: 0.5 from_dataset: dataset output: model result: gaussian_model - kind: fitpy.singleanalysis type: LHSFit properties: model: gaussian_model parameters: fit: amplitude: lhs_range: [2, 8] lhs: points: 7 result: fitted_gaussian In this particular case, you define your model specifying position and width, and fit this to the data allowing only the parameter amplitude to vary, keeping position and width fixed at the given values. Furthermore, a range for the LHS for this parameter is provided, as well as the number of points sampled per dimension of the Latin Hypercube. Only those fitting parameters having set the ``lhs_range`` parameter will be used for sampling. All other parameters will be used with their starting values as defined: .. code-block:: yaml - kind: model type: Gaussian properties: parameters: position: 1.5 width: 0.5 from_dataset: dataset output: model result: gaussian_model - kind: fitpy.singleanalysis type: LHSFit properties: model: gaussian_model parameters: fit: amplitude: lhs_range: [2, 8] position: start: 2 range: [0, 4] lhs: points: 7 result: fitted_gaussian Here, only the ``amplitude`` parameter will be sampled (in this particular case resulting in a 1D Latin Hypercube), while for each of the grid points, the ``position`` parameter is set as given. Sometimes the grid created by the LHS should be reproducible. In this case, provide a seed for the random number generator used internally: .. code-block:: yaml - kind: model type: Gaussian properties: parameters: position: 1.5 width: 0.5 from_dataset: dataset output: model result: gaussian_model - kind: fitpy.singleanalysis type: LHSFit properties: model: gaussian_model parameters: fit: amplitude: lhs_range: [2, 8] lhs: points: 7 rng_seed: 42 result: fitted_gaussian Similarly, if the points should be centred within the multi-dimensional grid, set the ``centered`` property accordingly: .. code-block:: yaml - kind: model type: Gaussian properties: parameters: position: 1.5 width: 0.5 from_dataset: dataset output: model result: gaussian_model - kind: fitpy.singleanalysis type: LHSFit properties: model: gaussian_model parameters: fit: amplitude: lhs_range: [2, 8] lhs: points: 7 centered: true result: fitted_gaussian While the default algorithm settings are quite sensible as a starting point, you can explicitly set the method and its parameters. Which parameters can be set depends on the method chosen, for details refer to the documentation of the underlying :mod:`scipy.optimize` module. The following example shows how to change the algorithm to ``least_squares`` (using a Trust Region Reflective method) and to set the tolerance for termination by the change of the independent variables (``xtol`` parameter): .. code-block:: yaml - kind: model type: Gaussian properties: parameters: position: 1.5 width: 0.5 from_dataset: dataset output: model result: gaussian_model - kind: fitpy.singleanalysis type: LHSFit properties: model: gaussian_model parameters: fit: amplitude: lhs_range: [2, 8] lhs: points: 7 algorithm: method: least_squares parameters: xtol: 1e-6 result: fitted_gaussian """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.description = ( "Fit model to data of dataset with LHS of starting conditions" ) self.model = None self.parameters["fit"] = {} self.parameters["algorithm"] = { "method": "leastsq", "description": "", "parameters": {}, } self.parameters["lhs"] = { "points": 1, "centered": False, "rng_seed": None, } self.dataset_type = "fitpy.dataset.CalculatedDatasetLHS" self._method_descriptions = { "leastsq": "Least-Squares minimization, using " "Levenberg-Marquardt method", "least_squares": "Least-Squares minimization, using Trust Region " "Reflective method", } self._lhs_parameters = None self._lhs_samples = None self._lhs_discrepancy = None self._fit_parameters = [] self._fit_results = [] def _sanitise_parameters(self): if ( self.parameters["algorithm"]["method"] not in self._method_descriptions ): message = 'Unknown method "{}"'.format( # noqa self.parameters["algorithm"]["method"] ) raise ValueError(message) def _perform_task(self): self.result = self.create_dataset() self.model.from_dataset(self.dataset) self.parameters["algorithm"]["description"] = ( self._method_descriptions[self.parameters["algorithm"]["method"]] ) self._create_lhs_parameters() self._create_lhs_samples() self._create_fit_parameters() self._perform_lhs_fit() self._assign_results_to_result() def _create_lhs_parameters(self): self._lhs_parameters = { key: value for key, value in self.parameters["fit"].items() if "lhs_range" in value } def _create_lhs_samples(self): lhs_dimensions = len(self._lhs_parameters) sampler = qmc.LatinHypercube(d=lhs_dimensions) for key, value in self.parameters["lhs"].items(): if hasattr(sampler, key): setattr(sampler, key, value) if sampler.rng_seed: sampler.reset() self._lhs_samples = sampler.random(self.parameters["lhs"]["points"]) self._lhs_discrepancy = qmc.discrepancy(self._lhs_samples) lower_bounds = [] upper_bounds = [] for value in self._lhs_parameters.values(): lower_bounds.append(value["lhs_range"][0]) upper_bounds.append(value["lhs_range"][1]) self._lhs_samples = qmc.scale( self._lhs_samples, lower_bounds, upper_bounds ) def _create_fit_parameters(self): param_samples = {} for idx, key in enumerate(self._lhs_parameters.keys()): param_samples[key] = self._lhs_samples[:, idx] for point in range(self.parameters["lhs"]["points"]): self._fit_parameters.append(lmfit.Parameters()) for key, value in self.model.parameters.items(): parameter = lmfit.Parameter(name=key) if key in self.parameters["fit"]: if "lhs_range" in self.parameters["fit"][key]: parameter.set(value=param_samples[key][point]) else: parameter.set( value=self.parameters["fit"][key]["start"] ) parameter.set(vary=True) if "range" in self.parameters["fit"][key]: parameter.set( min=self.parameters["fit"][key]["range"][0] ) parameter.set( max=self.parameters["fit"][key]["range"][1] ) else: parameter.set(value=value) parameter.set(vary=False) self._fit_parameters[point].add(parameter) def _calculate_residual(self, parameters): self.model.parameters = parameters.valuesdict() residuals = - self.model.evaluate() return residuals def _perform_lhs_fit(self): for point in range(self.parameters["lhs"]["points"]): minimiser = lmfit.minimizer.Minimizer( self._calculate_residual, self._fit_parameters[point] ) fit_result = minimiser.minimize( method=self.parameters["algorithm"]["method"], params=self._fit_parameters[point], **self.parameters["algorithm"]["parameters"] ) self._fit_results.append(fit_result) def _assign_results_to_result(self): chi_squares = [result.chisqr for result in self._fit_results] best_fit_index = np.argmin(chi_squares) best_fit = self._fit_results[best_fit_index] self.model.parameters = best_fit.params.valuesdict() # noqa model_dataset = self.model.create() = = best_fit.residual self.result.metadata.model.from_model(self.model) self.result.metadata.result.from_lmfit_minimizer_result(best_fit) self.result.metadata.lhs.from_lmfit_minimizer_results( self._fit_results ) self.result.metadata.lhs.samples = self._lhs_samples self.result.metadata.lhs.discrepancy = self._lhs_discrepancy
[docs] class ExtractLHSStatistics(aspecd.analysis.SingleAnalysisStep): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """ Extract statistical criterion from LHS results for evaluating robustness. When performing a robust fitting, *e.g.* by employing :class:`LHSFit`, evaluating the robustness of the obtained results is a crucial step. Therefore, the results from each individual fit starting with a grid point of the Latin Hypercube are contained in the resulting dataset. This analysis step extracts the given criterion from the calculated dataset and returns itself a calculated dataset with the values of the criterion sorted in ascending order as its data. The result can be graphically represented using a :class:`aspecd.plotting.SinglePlotter1D`. Attributes ---------- result : :class:`aspecd.dataset.CalculatedDataset` Calculated dataset containing the extracted statistical criterion. parameters : :class:`dict` All parameters necessary to perform the fit. These parameters will be available from the calculation metadata of the resulting :class:`fitpy.dataset.CalculatedDatasetLHS`. criterion : :class:`str` Statistical criterion extracted from the LHS results Examples -------- For convenience, a series of examples in recipe style (for details of the recipe-driven data analysis, see :mod:`aspecd.tasks`) is given below for how to make use of this class. The examples focus each on a single aspect. Suppose you have fitted a Gaussian to the data of a dataset, as shown in the example section of the :class:`LHSFit` class. If you now want to extract the reduced chi square value and plot it, the whole procedure could look like this: .. code-block:: yaml - kind: model type: Gaussian properties: parameters: position: 1.5 width: 0.5 from_dataset: dataset output: model result: gaussian_model - kind: fitpy.singleanalysis type: LHSFit properties: model: gaussian_model parameters: fit: amplitude: lhs_range: [2, 8] lhs: points: 7 result: fitted_gaussian - kind: fitpy.singleanalysis type: ExtractLHSStatistics properties: parameters: criterion: reduced_chi_square result: reduced_chi_squares apply_to: fitted_gaussian - kind: singleplot type: SinglePlotter1D properties: properties: drawing: marker: 'o' linestyle: 'none' filename: 'reduced_chi_squares.pdf' apply_to: reduced_chi_squares This would plot the reduced chi square values in ascending order, showing the individual values as not connected dots. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.description = "Extract LHS statistics from calculated dataset" self.parameters["criterion"] = "chi_square" self._criterion_names = { "chi_square": "chi square", "reduced_chi_square": "reduced chi square", "akaike_information_criterion": "Akaike information criterion", "bayesian_information_criterion": "Bayesian information criterion", }
[docs] @staticmethod def applicable(dataset): """Check whether analysis step is applicable to the given dataset. Returns ------- applicable : :class:`bool` `True` if successful, `False` otherwise. """ return hasattr(dataset.metadata, "lhs")
def _perform_task(self): self.result = self.create_dataset() criterion = [ getattr(result, self.parameters["criterion"]) for result in self.dataset.metadata.lhs.results ] criterion.sort() = np.asarray(criterion)[0].quantity = "index of samples"[1].quantity = self._criterion_names[ self.parameters["criterion"] ]